Planning Our Film Noir Scene

After completing some research into the film noir genre where we looking into things like mise-en-scene and codes and conventions of film noir we were told we had to create our own scene from a film of the noir style, including 12 shots.

After finding out what we had to do and getting into a small group of five we got together and had a small brainstorm over what we would want to sort of storyline to be, and who would be acting in it and filming and so on. We came to the immediate decision after hearing everybody’s initial ideas that we wanted to create a scene where two people meet (not for the first time) and after conversing for an amount of time the main of the two characters (shown at the start of the scene) takes the other to the edge of a cliff and pushes her off the edge into the forest below, leaving the scene with a fade to black. We decided on this storyline because of the mystery and questions it puts in the viewer’s mind, and because of the element of surprise that it will give when she suddenly pushes the other in the scene off the edge of the cliff to her death.

When it came to the paperwork side of things there wasn’t very much of it to be done, the three pieces of paperwork we had to do were 2-3 paragraphs talking about the scene we intended to create, a location RECCE and risk assessment, and script, however, we didn’t have to do a script, as we had no dialogue in our scene. As there was five of us in our group not all of us had to do the paperwork, so we left the option open, and whoever was up to date with other work with college offered to complete the paperwork leaving me and Adam to catch up with other work for college. Even though I and Adam didn’t complete any paperwork we were still active members of the group and offered ideas and help if it was needed by anyone else in the group, and because of other projects we already know how to complete the paperwork, therefore by not this time we didn’t miss out on gaining any skills for other work in the year.

As you can see from our planning you can see that we decided to film our scene at college in the outdoor areas and within our location RECCE  we identified where the area is in the college and where the lights and electricity sources are and so on.

Location recce the meeting


Film Noir shot list

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