Photography for content

Last week as you will see from my production schedule I spent a day at the dry cleaners taking pictures for content on the Facebook page. On the day I took with me my call sheet, my content schedule, and my location RECCE and risk assessment, to go over before taking the photographs, to remind myself of potential risks, and how to prevent them, and also to remind myself of the images I needed to be taking.

On the shoot the staff and owners of the dry cleaners where very kind and very helpful towards me, as they helped me get my desired shots, and showed me good areas to capture the images within the shop, not forgetting areas with the best lighting. The staff also where very helpful, as they also helped me get all my work done in half the time, leaving more time for checks over what images I had taken, and to check I was happy with them all, and none needed to be retaken.

To take the pictures I just used the camera on my phone, which is an Iphone 6s, personally I thought the images turned out well off this camera, and using the cameroll, and the edit option on there I could crop and edit the images mildly, depending if they needed it. Most of my images that I took where perfect, only some needed a little crop. You can see the images I took on the dry cleaners Facebook page which I have linked below.

Churchtown Dry Cleaning Centre Facebook Page

Overall I was really happy with how this little shoot turned out, you will see through my whole project I didn’t put too much detail into the planning and production of the pictures, due to them not being the main focus of my project, you will see more detail into the page set up, posters and logo I created, due to them being my main focus throughout the project, and due to the photography not taking very long at all, and also not being very important, in comparison to the other aspects of my work.

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