My Portfolio

To be a good photographer I need to create a portfolio, as you can see from my previous blog I have already looked into some professional portfolios to get inspiration, and that has really helped and I am glad I have done it as now I can just get on with the portfolio itself using my research to help design mine to a professional standard.

I created my portfolio within my WIX website by adding another page to my menu where the the website helped me set up a portfolio section, all I had to was choose the colour scheme for the page, and add in all the pictures I wanted to showcase within my portfolio for people to see. After adding a good number of images that I though showcased my work well to my portfolio page I set to work adding the little extras to the page to give people more of an insight into my work, and the reasoning behind my images. I did this by selecting each image, then individually adding a title and description for each image, I think this added a really nice extra detail to my portfolio and gave the audience an insight into my mind set for each image, and what I was trying to create.

In reflection I am really happy with how my portfolio looks, and with in being included in my website it makes it a lot easier for people to see, as I can give them my website link and they will see it, people from my Instagram and other social medias will also be able to see my portfolio as I aim to promote my website on them other media platforms. Another thing I am really happy with is the research I did before completing this portfolio, as it really helped me to gather ideas for showcasing my work in a fun and creative way, but also in a way they show visitors to my page the true standard of my work. Another thing I will be using my portfolio for is my university application, as I know they will want to see my work before they consider my application for applying, along with my personal statement I have already written.

Website and portfolio link:

Feature image from:

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