Skills development

Something we did with Paula this week was reflect on our first year of college and some of the things we learnt. We were given a sheet to fill out which helped us have a good think back into the things that we did in first year and what we think we understood and could complete easily, and maybe identify the things that we struggled a little bit more with and could do with a recap on. Filling out this sheet Paula said would really help the teachers identify where they maybe need to go into more detail with the first years, and also hep them to know what students may need extra help in the areas where the struggled in first year.

Work Sheet For Skills Development

As you can see if you read my sheet some of the things I really enjoyed doing in first year where things like filming and audition as I found I was able to do them with ease, and found the programs (for things like audition) easy to use, whereas some of the things I have struggled with are things like photography and illustrator skills, I think this was just due however to the fact that we had to cover these areas quite quickly due to having to get on with other projects before end of term times, this year we are doing more photography also so therefore I am not too worried about not being the best at that. After using this sheet to identify my strong and weak points I can work on improving my weak points and know what  am good at for when it comes to projects, helping me to create the best work possible.

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